Its getin to be that time again folks what jackass will run our country this time? Its the fun game where the people get fucked by the goverment one way or another. IM DAMN WELL SICK AND TIRED OF IT!! Voteing is a load of shit its just a wast of time and all our votes dont mean a damn thing its the electoral colleges job to vote not ours so why do we do it, is it just to fool ourselfs into feeling important? Well what ever the reason is its ape shit. All of the candidates are two faced, back stabing, dip shits who only get into office by paying off people and other back room deals. Cant we just do shit ourselfs? Cant we the individual people lead our own lifes with our own rights and decision makeing abilitys instead of being draged along for the enjoyment of some over paid glorified jack ass in power? What do you the public think and say?! Come on lets hear it!
Youre right. Its dangerous to be right when the goverment is wrong. Im lucky to live in Finland.
you lucky son of a gun how is it to live in a diferent country? Hell its got to better than what we have here.